Spring MVC File Upload Form

Objective : Setup a form with file upload field


  • Spring MVC 3.2.3.RELEASE
  • Commons Fileupload 1.3

First let’s code the JSP view of the form. Note below enctype=”multipart/form-data” setting is important, it tells the browser to post the form data as multipart.


Above JSP will result in a simple file upload form like this:


Then add commons-fileupload 1.3 maven dependency to your pom.xml:


And configure CommonsMultipartResolver on your spring context. The bean id name is important. Also below I configured it to have maximum file size of 1 mb (1000000 bytes)


Now we’re ready to code the controller handler method. The uploaded file is automatically bound into a object from which you can obtain input stream.

(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String upload(("myfile") MultipartFile myFile) {
  logger.info("Received file of size " + myFile.getSize() + " bytes");
  InputStream inputStream = myFile.getInputStream();
  // .. do something with inputStream
  return "home";

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