When You’re Stuck On The Ruby On Rails Getting Started Guide

actioncontroller urlgenerationerror in posts#index no route matches action show controller posts

Was tracking along my journey of learning Ruby on Rails (which is an excellent tool), but the getting started guide isn’t always easy to follow. For once suddenly I encountered a problem above which caused by a bug on the sample code.

After spending half an hour or so I figured out the getting started guide was version controlled on their git repository. You can clone the rails repository using git clone https://github.com/rails/rails.git. The getting started guide is located at guides/source/getting_started.md

Also interestingly, someone has fixed the bug I saw on the git HEAD. So the next time you had problem with the tutorial, one thing to try is check the latest tutorial version on git: https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/master/guides/source/getting_started.md

And ofcourse if you spot another bug you should contribute the fix by submitting a pull request :).

railsrubyruby on rails

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