Resolving Theme Based On Domain Names On Spring Boot / Thymeleaf

Here’s my situation, I have and and I want my app to be styled / branded differently according to which domain used to access the app.

To keep things simple, each theme would have its own properties file with corresponding values. For example:

# src/main/resources/themes/
# src/main/resources/themes/

Next we have to register a ResourceBundleThemeSource. This tells spring where the theme specific properties file are located (in this instance we place them on themes/ folder on classpath root).

In Spring Boot, since I used automatic configuration for the web application context, additional customization has to be done via WebMvcConfigurerAdapter

public class WebMvcConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {

  public ThemeSource themeSource() {
    ResourceBundleThemeSource themeSource = new ResourceBundleThemeSource();
    return themeSource;


Next I need to create a ThemeResolver bean that can determine the theme based on domain names. In this instance since I used a reverse proxy, I used X-Forwarded-For HTTP header to determine the hostname, but you can simply use Host header otherwise.

This ThemeResolver keeps a map of which domain transaltes to what theme.

public class DomainNameThemeResolver extends AbstractThemeResolver {

  private Map domainNameThemeMap = new HashMap();

  public String resolveThemeName(HttpServletRequest request) {
    String xFwdFor = request.getHeader("x-forwarded-for");

    if(xFwdFor == null) {
      return getDefaultThemeName();

    String themeName = domainNameThemeMap.get(xFwdFor.trim().toLowerCase());
    if(StringUtils.isBlank(themeName)) themeName = getDefaultThemeName();

    return themeName;


  public void setThemeName(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String themeName) {


  public Map getDomainNameThemeMap() {
    return domainNameThemeMap;

  public void setDomainNameThemeMap(Map domainNameThemeMap) {
    this.domainNameThemeMap = domainNameThemeMap;


And finally, back to the WebMvcConfigurerAdapter, I also need to register this ThemeResolver bean

public ThemeResolver themeResolver() {
  DomainNameThemeResolver themeResolver = new DomainNameThemeResolver();
  themeResolver.getDomainNameThemeMap().put("", "firstdomain");
  themeResolver.getDomainNameThemeMap().put("", "seconddomain");
  return themeResolver;

The theme-specific key value pairs can then be obtained on the thymeleaf view using the special #themes.code(...) syntax. Here’s an example:



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