Managing Spring Security User Session

Ever wondered who is currently logged in to your app or how to kick them out? Evil_grin_emoticon. You can do it using SessionRegistry.

Screen Shot 2015-08-01 at 11.36.36 pm

(Disclaimer: UI is self-coded, not provided by Spring)


First, setup spring security configuration

Java config:

    .maximumSessions(1) // How many session the same user can have? This can be any number you pick

And register the sessionRegistry bean:

(name = "sessionRegistry")
public SessionRegistry sessionRegistry() {
  return new SessionRegistryImpl();

Or XML config, place this below :


Now you can list currently active sessions

Inject a SessionRegistry and let’s see who’s currently logged in:

private SessionRegistry sessionRegistry;

public List getActiveSessions() {
  List activeSessions = new ArrayList<>();
  for(Object principal : sessionRegistry.getAllPrincipals()) {
    activeSessions.addAll(sessionRegistry.getAllSessions(principal, false));
  return activeSessions;

SessionInformation object contains a lot of useful methods such as getPrincipal, getSessionId and getLastRequest. Have a look at the javadoc for more info.

What principal? I’m not in school anymore

Principal is just a fancy word for user in security speak. Note how SessionInformation returns a principal of type Object. If you use Spring Security your principal will most likely be the type of

Here’s how you can get the username from a User object:

SessionInformation session = ... // get the session info somehow
Object principalObj = session.getPrincipal();
if (principalObj instanceof User) {
  User user = (User) principalObj;
  return user.getUsername();

If you need to kick someone out

The use case of this is not just for when you hated a particular user so much, but if user permission is updated, then you have to invalidate all active sessions for it to take effect.

public void logoutSession(String sessionId) {
  SessionInformation session = sessionRegistry.getSessionInformation(sessionId);
  if (session != null) {


And thanks to SO user dimas for posting an answer that inspires this post.

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