Tag Archives: aws

AWS EC2 Nginx Reverse Proxy And localhost Slowness

This is something really odd I yet to fully understand, but for time being I’ve decided using localhost on AWS ec2 is bad. (at least on Windows Server 2008 R2)

I think it might have something to do with internal DNS or address routing, but my nginx-reverse-proxied tomcat is 4-5x slower when I bind it into localhost as opposed of the local IP. We’re talking 1 minute to load a 300kb css file!

Open a command prompt and run ipconfig /all and your local ip should be under IPv4 Address under Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 2:


On tomcat, edit your server.xml, find your element and add address attribute:

And finally update nginx.conf to point the reverse proxy backend to above IP.

After doing this now my reverse proxy is much faster, only few seconds to load 300kb css file.

AWS EC2: UNIX User Management and SSH with Password Authentication on Amazon Linux AMI

Once you’ve created your , you will get a private key (generated during the server setup process) and a default UNIX user called ec2-user. By default password authentication is disabled (because it’s plain text password transferred over the internet). You can login using a ssh client from your PC using this command:

ssh -i /path/to/mykeypair.pem 

If you’re on windows and you use Putty it might be slightly more tricky:

  1. First you need PuttyGen tool
  2. Once you’ve downloaded and installed it, open it and select File -> Load private key. Find your keypair file
  3. PuttyGen will display success message if your keypair is valid. Then select Save private key
  4. On your putty connection parameter, go to Connection -> SSH -> Auth and use the above saved file for Private key file for authentication

Generating Encrypted Password

Standard UNIX and commands can be used to manage users on Amazon Linux, however you first need to know how to generate encrypted password. Supposed I want to encrypt my password string “holasenior”, run following commands:

[]# python
Python 2.4.3 (#1, Jan  9 2013, 06:47:03)
[GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-54)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import crypt; print

>>> crypt.crypt('holasenior','mysalt123')

myOZ9FACMq7sA is your encrypted password. mysalt123 is an encryption salt to defent against dictionary attack.

Adding New User

To add new user “ironman” with password “holasenior” encrypted with salt “mysalt123″:

sudo useradd -p myOZ9FACMq7sA ironman

Changing Password of Existing User

To change password of existing user “ec2-user” to “holasenior” encrypted with salt “mysalt123″:

sudo usermod -p myOZ9FACMq7sA ec2-user

SSH with Password Authentication

WARNING: Using plain-text password authentication for SSH is dangerous, your password will be visible over the internet.

To enable password authentication, edit /etc/sshd_config file and find following line and change it to yes

PasswordAuthentication no