Tag Archives: hazelcast

Running Non-duplicate Task On A Cluster Using Hazelcast

Having a container cluster is great, but one problem is when you need to run something once only (think table cleanup, pulling data to shared db, etc).

Since you have multiple VM running off the same source code, it will normally run duplicate instance of the task — one per VM. You can avoid that from happening using distributed lock.

 private HazelcatInstance hz;

ILock lock = hz.getLock(MyTask.class.getName());

Every node in the cluster has access to distributed lock. Only one node can obtain the lock. If a node successfully obtained the lock its thread will continue executing, otherwise it will block until it manages to obtain one (or times out).

logger.info("Trying to run task on this node...");
lock.lock(); // thread execution will only pass this line if no other node has the lock

logger.info("Running task on this node..");
// do something here

Since calling lock.lock() might block the thread, you typically want to run it on a separate thread.

If a node that has the lock crashes / dies, the lock will be released, and other nodes can pick it up and become the ‘task owner’.

See Also

Java Web Session Cluster Replication With Hazelcast

Source: http://www.hazelcast.com/use-cases/web-session-clustering/

This is a great way to ensure that session information is maintained when you are clustering web servers. You can also use a similar pattern for managing user identities. Learn how easy it is to maintain session state across a set of servers here!

Say you have more than one web servers (A, B, C) with a load balancer in front of them. If server A goes down then your users on that server will be directed to one of the live servers (B or C) but their sessions will be lost! So we have to have all these sessions backed up somewhere if we don’t want to lose the sessions upon server crashes. Hazelcast WM allows you to cluster user http sessions automatically. Followings are required for enabling Hazelcast Session Clustering:

  • Target application or web server should support Java 1.5+
  • Target application or web server should support Servlet 2.4+ spec
  • Session objects that needs to be clustered have to be Serializable

Here are the steps to setup Hazelcast Session Clustering:

Put the hazelcast and hazelcast-wm jars in your WEB-INF/lib directory.

Put the following xml into web.xml file. Make sure Hazelcast filter is placed before all the other filters if any; put it at the top for example.




Package and deploy your war file as you would normally do.

It is that easy! All http requests will go through Hazelcast WebFilter and it will put the session objects into Hazelcast distributed map if needed.