Tag Archives: jpa

JPA Example

Suppose you have a Student and Subject entities and you want to create a many-to-many relationship between them. The database table looks something like this:

CREATE TABLE students (
  `name` VARCHAR(200)

CREATE TABLE subjects (
  `name` VARCHAR(200)

CREATE TABLE students_subjects (
  `student_id` BIGINT NOT NULL,
  `subject_id` BIGINT NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`student_id`, `subject_id`),
  FOREIGN KEY (`student_id`) REFERENCES `students` (`id`),
  FOREIGN KEY (`subject_id`) REFERENCES `subjects` (`id`)

Here’s how to code your Student JPA entity:

(name = "students")
public class Student {
  private long id;

  private String name = "";

  (cascade = CascadeType.All)
  (name = "students_subjects",
    joinColumns = (name = "student_id", referencedColumnName = "id"),
    inverseJoinColumns = (name = "subject_id", referencedColumnName = "id"))
  private Set subjects = new HashSet();

  /* getters, setters, equals & hashCode */

Note how I used CascadeType.All above, this will case any modification to subjects collections to be cascaded automatically when I saved the student entity object.

Also note the use of Set collection instead of List. This will prevent duplicates when querying since JPA wouldn’t know whether the multiple rows are a result of join or simply multiple entries in the result.

And here’s the Subject JPA entity:

(name = "subjects")
public class Subject {

  private long id;

  private String name = "";

  (cascade = CascadeType.All)
  (name = "students_subjects",
    joinColumns = (name = "subject_id", referencedColumnName = "id"),
    inverseJoinColumns = (name = "student_id", referencedColumnName = "id"))
  private Set students = new HashSet();

  /* getters, setters, equals & hashCode */

Note that the annotation on Subject is similar to Student except the joinColumns and inverseJoinColumns are reversed.

Also since the above example uses HashSet, don’t forget to implement proper equals and hashCode methods.

Spring Declarative Transaction Management With JDK Proxy vs AspectJ

What is this fancy words “Declarative Transaction Management” (DTM) ? Well.. basically it’s the “magic” behind the annotation in Spring.

By default Spring will use JDK Proxy for DTM, but it’s not without a big (yes BIG) gotchas.. Let’s take a look at below cliche example of transferring money from a bank account to another with slight variation — here several transfer requests are processed together by processBatch method:

public class AccountService {

public void processBatch(List xferReqs) {
    for(TransferReq xferReq : xferReqs) {

  public void transfer(double amount, long fromAccountNo, long toAccountNo) {
    checkBalanceIsGreaterThan(fromAccountNo, amount);
    withdraw(fromAccountNo, amount);
    deposit(toAccountNo, amount);

  public void checkBalanceIsGreaterThan(long accountNo, double amount) {

  public void withdraw(long fromAccountNo, double amount) {

  public void deposit(long toAccountNo, double amount) {


When another class invokes processBatch, you’d expect the database transaction to happen like this:

req1 transfer
req1 checkBalanceIsGreaterThan
req1 withdraw
req1 deposit

req2 transfer
req2 checkBalanceIsGreaterThan
req2 withdraw
req2 deposit

But it’s NOT! This is a big hidden pitfall that I’ve fallen into (had to learn the hard way right?). Here’s why..

In JDK Proxy Spring did the “magic trick” by automatically creating a subclass with extra DTM functionality (hence the name “proxy”) in place of the original transactional class. The subclass method actually do the transaction management before calling the underlying method.

This has the implication that transaction management will only occur if the method you invoke from a different class is a method.

Since in above example the processBatch method invoked is not a method, transaction management will not be performed!

Here’s a rough example of what the auto-created JDK proxy class might look like:

public class AccountServiceProxy extends AccountService {

public void processBatch(List xferReqs) {
    super(xferReqs); // <-- Superclass method is invoked here, 
                     //     the below transfer method will NOT execute

public void transfer(double amount, long fromAccountNo, long toAccountNo) {
    // Code to "check if transaction exist, if not create one" goes here..

try {
  super(amount, fromAccountNo, toAccountNo);

  // Code to commit goes here..

} catch(Exception e) {
  // Code to rollback goes here..
} ... }

So yes your database transaction is a mess. Every single statement would be executed in its own transaction (oh no!)..

So How To Fix It?

Well you have several option. First is to keep using JDK Proxy but structure your class such that the first method invokes is a method. In the above example, the processBatch method can be moved into a different class AccountBatchProcessorService, hence when it invokes the proxy class’ transfer method DTM occurs.

Or you leave the code as it is and use the almighty AspectJ..

AspectJ Declarative Transaction Management

With AspectJ, DTM is not done by subclass “proxy”, but there’s a unicorn hiding beneath the cloud that adds DTM code to your method just before it’s compiled (sometimes it’s called “compile-time weaving”).

Here’s how you can enable AspectJ DTM for your project:

On the old-fashioned Spring xml configuration (don’t ask me the new-style annotation config yet, haven’t RTFM), to enable annotation you would have something like this:


You need to set it into aspectj mode


Then in your pom.xml, add dependency to spring-aspects




And configure aspectj-maven-plugin so that DTM mechanism is weaved when your code is compiled




At this point your STS/eclipse project might throw error saying Maven configuration is not up to date. If so do right click on the project -> Maven -> Update project. If the setup is good in STS/eclipse you should see a half circle arrow on methods.

Voila! Your bank transfer should work as expected now

Debugging Database Transaction

Lastly if you’re using Hibernate and log4j, you can get it to spit the SQL statements and ‘begin’ and ‘commit’ log by setting following loggers into DEBUG


Final Note

This article is written against following versions:

  • Spring 4.0.5.RELEASE
  • Hibernate 4.3.5.Final
  • aspectj-maven-plugin 1.6


Creating a Minimal Spring MVC, JPA / Hibernate and MySQL Project

The goal of this article is to create a bare minimum Spring MVC project with JPA (with Hibernate provider) as persistence provider and MySQL as the DBMS. To test everything works I’ll also add a form page allowing you to list all entities and add a new one.


  • jdk 6
  • Spring 3.2.8.RELEASE
  • Hibernate 4.3.3.Final
  • STS 3.4.0.RELEASE
  • MySQL database running on localhost port 3306. The database name is hello with username root and no password.


  1. From STS, create a new Maven Project. Since we’re starting from scratch, tick Create a simple project (skip archetype selection). Hit Next.
  2. On the next New Maven Project dialog that comes up, give it a group id, artifact id and set the packaging to war. A minimal maven project will be setup for you when you hit Finish
  3. The default maven project is setup to use jdk 1.5, to switch it to 1.6, open pom.xml and add following xml section under the element.

    Right click the project on Package Explorer -> Maven -> Update Project.. once this is done to update the eclipse build path into jdk 1.6

  4. Add maven dependencies for Spring, JPA, Hibernate, Java EE, MySQL and other supporting jars. Again this goes to your pom.xml

  5. Create the web deployment descriptor src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml. We will setup Spring MVC here with bean context configuration xml file set to /WEB-INF/spring-context.xml
  6. Create a Spring Bean Configuration File placed on src/main/webapp/spring-context.xml. There are plenty important setups here including annotation-based MVC controller, view resolver, transaction config, data source, entityManagerFactory and transaction manager.
  7. Create src/main/resources/META-INF/persistence.xml. This is the persistence unit configuration. It tells JPA what provider will be used, persistence unit type and hibernate configs.
  8. Create a simple entity class to test our setup. Let’s call this entity Person. It has an id and name field.

    package hello;
    (name = "person")
    public class Person {
      private int id;
      private String name;
      /* getters & setters */
  9. And setup mysql database and table to store this entity. The table columns correspond to the Person class fields above. Also note we inform JPA of mysql AUTO_INCREMENT by using annotation:

    USE hello;
    CREATE TABLE person (
      name VARCHAR(50)
  10. Create a simple service to list all and add a Person entity

    package hello;
    public class PersonService {
      // An EntityManager will be automatically injected from EntityManagerFactory setup on
      // spring-context.xml
      private EntityManager em;
      // Since we've setup  and transaction manager on spring-context.xml,
      // any bean method annotated with  will cause Spring to magically call
      // begin() and commit() at the start/end of the method. If exception occurs it will also
      // call rollback()
      public List getAll() {
        List result = em.createQuery("SELECT p FROM Person p", Person.class).getResultList();
        return result;
      public void add(Person p) {
  11. Create a HomeController class to map HTTP requests. The package name I used is hello:
    package hello;
    public class HomeController {
       private PersonService personSvc;
       * Requests to http://localhost:8080/hello will be mapped here.
       * Everytime invoked, we pass list of all persons to view
      (method = RequestMethod.GET)
      public String listAll(Model model) {
        model.addAttribute("persons", personSvc.getAll());
        return "home";
       * POST requests to http://localhost:8080/hello/addPerson goes here.
       * The new person data is passed from HTML from and bound into the
       * Person object.
      (value = "/addPerson", method = RequestMethod.POST)
      public String addPerson( Person person) {
        return "redirect:/";
  12. Finally add the form jsp file located on src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/home.jsp
    <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>

    All Persons

    Id: ${p.id} Name: ${p.name}

    Add New


    This is a simple form which will list all persons and allow you to add one

    Screen Shot 2014-03-03 at 9.51.39 pm

Check Out The Source

You can browse / clone the source code of this article on github. To run this on STS:

  1. Clone it using git
    git clone :gerrytan/jpaminimal.git
  2. On STS, do File > Import > Existing Maven Projects
  3. Create run configuration (Run > Run Configurations…) like this
  4. Make sure the project is selected on the project explorer and run it. This will fire up in-memory tomcat7 server at http://localhost:8080

Entity Relationship On Hibernate JPA

This article is tested against Java EE 6, Hibernate 4.2.2.

One To Many Unidirectional Relationship

Unidirectional here means you can only obtain related entities from one side. For example supposed we have one to many Customer --> Account relationship, here’s what Customer entity look like

public class Customer {

  private long id;

  private String name;

  (name = "customer_id")
  private Set accounts;

  // getters & setters..

Instead of Set, you can use List, however if you have more than one relationship in your entity class, you will get MultipleBagFetchException.

And This is what Account looks like. Notice there’s no reference to Customer object from Account.

public class Account {

  private long id;
  private double balance;

  // Getters & Setters ..

One To Many Bidirectional Relationship

Similar to unidirectional except you can obtain relation from both direction. This is what Customer and Account look like:

public class Customer {

  private long id;

  private String name;

  (mappedBy = "customer")
  private Set accounts;

  // getters & setters..

The “customer” on (mappedBy = "customer") refers to customer java property on Account entity.

public class Account {

  private long id;
  private double balance;

  (name = "customer_id")
  private Customer customer;

  // Getters & Setters ..

The (name = "customer_id") annotation sets the database foreign key column name to be “customer_id”.

Lazy / Eager Loading

Lazy / Eager refers to when does entity relationship get populated. Eager means it will get populated as soon as the entity is obtained from database, where in Lazy it’s only populated when you request the relationship for the first time.

The default value for is LAZY, but for it’s EAGER. It’s a good practice to explicitly configure it so your code is easier to understand

public class Customer {
  (mappedBy = "customer", fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
  private Set accounts;

public class Account {
  (fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
  (name = "customer_id")
  private Customer customer;

LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy – no Session

Almost every Hibernate/JPA noobie struggle with this exception when they started learning (including myself). This is basically saying you’re tring to access unfetched data after transaction has been closed.

If you use Spring declarative transaction management, transaction start and finish mark are declared by simply annotating DAO method with . Let’s see a common failure where LazyInitializationException can happen.

Here’s your CustomerDAO class:

public class CustomerDAO {
  ext private EntityManager em;

  public List getAllCustomers() {
    List customers = em.createQuery("select c from Customer", 
    return customers;

Then on your controller you populate your Model object with list of Customers, and on your view your JSP tried to access Accounts associated with each customer:

Customer Info

Id: ${customer.id} Name: ${customer.name} Accounts:
  • Acc Id: ${acc.id}, Balance: ${acc.balance}

Since the transaction is already closed when CustomerDAO.getAllCustomers() method returns, this will throw LazyInitializationException.

My preferred strategy to overcome this problem is to prefetch the related entities on the DAO, so all the information we need is available on view level in detached state. Other strategy being opening a transaction / session while view is being generated (see: ). To achieve this, change the getAllCustomers() DAO method to use JPQL left join fetch syntax like this:

public class CustomerDAO {
  public List getAllCustomers() {
    List customers = em.createQuery(
      "select distinct c from Customer " +
      "left join fetch c.accounts", 
    return customers;

Now you can iterate and access all related accounts entities without exceptions.

Declarative Transaction Boundary using Spring

One of the trickiest thing to do when developing database-backed application is deciding when and where to start and finish the transaction (eg: where should you draw the transaction boundary line).

Consider a very simple banking application with an AccountService class having getBalance(), debit(), credit() and transfer() methods. Transfer() calls getBalance() to validate the from-account has enough money, and then debit() the from-account and credit() the to-account.

All of the business steps of transfer() method have to be done in one transaction right? (why? — c’mon.. if you don’t do it in one transaction then it’s possible the balance got changed by another transaction between checking for sufficient money, debiting & crediting. The bank will lose reputation and have apologize to the poor customer.).

Pseudocode/sql for each method on AccountService class look somewhat like following:

  • getBalance()
    SELECT balance FROM account WHERE id = ?
  • debit() and credit()
    UPDATE account SET balance = ? WHERE id = ?
  • transfer()
                 if (getBalance(fromAccount) < amount) {
                   /*insufficient balance error */;
                 debit(fromAccount, amount);
                 credit(toAccount, amount);

If you programatically hard-code the transaction boundary into getBalance(), debit() and credit() method, then it might look something like this:

  public void debit(long accountId, double amount) {
    em.getTransaction().begin(); // start a new transaction
    Account account = em.find(Account.class, accountId);
    account.setBalance(account.getBalance() - amount);
    em.getTransaction().commit(); // commit

But hangon, now you need to invoke all those 3 methods within 1 single transaction, your code might need to do something more complicated than that. If you change the transaction boundary into the transfer() method, then other clients that have been using getBalance(), debit(), credit() methods happily for other stuffs will be impacted — they now have to manually open and close transaction before calling those method (ugly).

Even worse, you may be considering to copy & paste the inside of getBalance(), debit() and credit() code into the transfer() method.. PLEASE DON’T!.. Remember Don’t Repeat Yourself principle!

Fortunately Spring provides a much better way of figuring out transaction boundary. All you need to do is to declare that your method needs an active transaction to be open. You do this by adding annotation to your method, plus bootstrapping few configurations

Your AccountService methods look like following now:

  public double getBalance(long accountId) {
     // do stuff here

  public void debit(long accountId, double amount) {
    // do stuff here

  public void credit(long accountId, double amount) {
    // do stuff here

  public void transfer(long fromAccountId, long toAccountId, double amount) {
    // call getBalance(), check from account has enough money

    // call debit()

    // call credit

And the magic happens! When you call the transfer() method, Spring detects you don’t have an open transaction, so it creates a new one. When transfer() calls getBalance(), Spring won’t create a new transaction because it detects there’s a currently open one. It will assign the open transaction into getBalance() method instead. The same applies to debit() and credit(). This is also known as Transaction Propagation.

Spring does this magic via a technique called AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming). Simply speaking, Spring transaction manager will be notified everytime annotated method is invoked / returned, and take action (start new transaction, assign existing one, close, etc.)

I’ve created a demo project with a unit test so you can try this yourself. Make sure you have jdk 1.6 and Maven 3 installed. SVN Checkout , have a feel around the classes and run mvn test. The output will be available at target/surefire-reports/com.wordpress.gerrytan.springtx.AccountServiceTest-output.txt. I’ve configured the logging such that you can see when hibernate (JPA) creates / commit / rollback transaction, and issues SQL to synchronize the persistence context.

2012-05-31 01:06:26,430 [main] DEBUG com.wordpress.gerrytan.springtx.AccountServiceTest - ----- Transfer $20 from account 2 to 1 -----
2012-05-31 01:06:26,430 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransaction - begin
2012-05-31 01:06:26,431 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransaction - current autocommit status: true
2012-05-31 01:06:26,431 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransaction - disabling autocommit
2012-05-31 01:06:26,431 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select account0_.id as id0_0_, account0_.balance as balance0_0_, account0_.name as name0_0_, account0_.version as version0_0_ from account account0_ where account0_.id=?
2012-05-31 01:06:26,432 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select account0_.id as id0_0_, account0_.balance as balance0_0_, account0_.name as name0_0_, account0_.version as version0_0_ from account account0_ where account0_.id=?
2012-05-31 01:06:26,433 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransaction - commit
2012-05-31 01:06:26,437 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - update account set balance=?, name=?, version=? where id=? and version=?
2012-05-31 01:06:26,437 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - update account set balance=?, name=?, version=? where id=? and version=?
2012-05-31 01:06:26,438 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransaction - re-enabling autocommit
2012-05-31 01:06:26,438 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransaction - committed JDBC Connection
2012-05-31 01:06:26,438 [main] DEBUG com.wordpress.gerrytan.springtx.AccountServiceTest - ----- Completed Transfer $20 from account 1 to 2 -----

Following are useful resources for further learning:

Various States of JPA Entities

EntityManager is the probably the most important class you need to know when writing your JPA data layer. In some way, you can think of EntityManager like your nice trustworthy dentist. The very first time you go to your dentist, he doesn’t know anything about you, so you’ll have to register and fill in a form. Once your dentist has finished filling that hole in your tooth, he’ll probably note couple things in your patient record and file it. You would then go home, your dentist wouldn’t know what you are doing afterwards and in few weeks when you came back he would ask if any of your medical condition had changed since and update the record.

The way JPA EntityManager work is quite similar. Following is a picture of various states a JPA entity can be, and method that transitions from one state into another.

Different states of a JPA entity

When a new entity object is created in the java memory, the entity manager had no idea about it. This entity object is called to be in new (transient) state. Entity manager wouldn’t care with whatever change you made to the object.

When you call the entity manager’s persist() method over the object, it saves the state of the object into the persistent storage (typically database), and starts to care about changes you make to it. The entity object is now in managed state. If you modify the state of the object, entity manager will synchronize the state back to the persistent storage. Synchronizing state back into persistent storage typically means issuing necessary SQL statement so the state of the object matches the ones on the database. Entity manager will not issue SQL statement immediately all the time, but only at “flush time”.

The specifics of when entity manager performs flushing differs between various JPA implementation, but here is what Hibernate documentation says:

Flush occurs by default (this is Hibernate specific and not defined by the specification) at the following points:

  • before query execution
  • from javax.persistence.EntityTransaction.commit()
  • when EntityManager.flush() is called

It’s also pretty common for the entity object to lose contact with entity manager even after it’s managed. This typically happen when the entity manager is closed, or the object leaves the java memory (eg being transferred to a web browser screen). An entity object which was once persistence but no longer is is called to be in detached state.

An object which is in detached state can be put back into managed state by calling merge() method. Entity manager will typically try to identify the object by its primary key, and perform DML statements such as UPDATE to synchronize the persistent state.

If a lot of changes need to be done to the object’s state, a common technique is to do this while the object is in detached state, and then reattach it later, thus we can avoid costs of issuing SQL statement during the changes.

Finally an entity object in managed state can be marked for removal, and this object is called to be in removed state.

is a good reading if you want to learn more about JPA state.

Persisting Data Using JPA

If you ever written a Java application that reads and updates into a relational database in the past, most likely you’ll use the JDBC API. Typically you’ll need to represent the database entity as a java object, and write a service/DAO class to provide CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) facility.

Dealing with persistent data became more tricky when the number of entity types keep growing, and also their complexity of relationships. The amount of code keep growing, and it became harder and harder to maintain. More recently, the better approach is to use ORM (Object Relational Mapping) solution such as Hibernate. With the popularity of ORM techniques, the Java community has also introduced JPA (Java Persistence API) which is a standardized ORM API. Hibernate is one of the popular JPA implementation available.

To give a basic idea, consider following simple example about a book entity. A book is identified by book id, and has author, title and year property.

public class Book {
        private int bookId;
        private String title;
        private String author;
        private int year;

        public Book() {}

        public Book(int bookId, String title, String author, int year) {
                this.bookId = bookId;
                this.title = title;
                this.author = author;
                this.year = year;

        // Getters and setters omitted for brevity

Let’s create a DAO to provide CRUD facility over book entity. The DAO is implemented as an interface so it doesn’t need to know what the underlying mechanism used. Later we’ll implement the BookDAO interface using both Jdbc and JPA to compare the difference

public interface BookDAO {
         * Find a book by id
         *  null if can't find bookId
        public Book findById(int bookId);

         * List all books
        public List list();

         * Persist a new book object into database. The id attribute of the book object will be set
         * and returned.
         *  id of the newly inserted book
        public int save(Book book);

         * Persist changes to existing book object into database.
         *  book
        public void update(Book book);

         * Remove persisted book object from database
         *  book
        public void delete(Book book);

Following is example on how to implement BookDAO using plain JDBC. This implementation simply opens and closes connection for every method calls, assuming a connection pooled datasource is used. Note how we have to manually construct our CRUD SQL and map the ResultSet object returned by JDBC.

 * Implementation of BookDAO using jdbc, creates and close a new connection for every
 * CRUD method calls. Use connection pooled datasource for efficiency.
 *  gerry
public class BookJdbcDAOImpl implements BookDAO {

        private DataSource dataSource;

        public BookJdbcDAOImpl (DataSource dataSource) {
                this.dataSource = dataSource;

        public Book findById(int bookId) {
                Connection connection = null;
                try {
                        connection = dataSource.getConnection();
                        Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
                        ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM book WHERE book_id = " + bookId);
                        if (!rs.next()) {
                                return null;
                        Book result = mapRow(rs);
                        return result;

                } catch (SQLException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
                } finally {
                        try {
                        } catch (SQLException e) {
                                throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);


        public List list() {
                Connection connection = null;
                try {
                        connection = dataSource.getConnection();
                        Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
                        ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM book");
                        ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
                        while (rs.next()) {
                        return result;
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
                } finally {
                        try {
                        } catch (SQLException e) {
                                throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);

        public int save(Book book) {
                Connection connection = null;
                try {
                        connection = dataSource.getConnection();
                        Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
                                String.format("INSERT INTO book (title, author, year) VALUES ('%s','%s',%s)",
                        ResultSet rs = statement.getGeneratedKeys();
                        if (!rs.next()) {
                                throw new IllegalStateException("Error when inserting book to database " + book);
                        int generatedKey = rs.getInt(1);
                        return generatedKey;
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
                } finally {
                        try {
                        } catch (SQLException e) {
                                throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);

        public void update(Book book) {
                Connection connection = null;
                try {
                        connection = dataSource.getConnection();
                        Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
                        int rowUpdated = statement.executeUpdate(
                                                "UPDATE book " +
                                                "SET title = '%s', " +
                                                "author = '%s', " +
                                                "year = %s " +
                                                "WHERE book_id = %s",
                        if (rowUpdated != 1) {
                                throw new IllegalStateException("Error when trying to update " + book);
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
                } finally {
                        try {
                        } catch (SQLException e) {
                                throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);


        public void delete(Book book) {
                Connection connection = null;
                try {
                        connection = dataSource.getConnection();
                        Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
                        int rowUpdated = statement.executeUpdate(
                                                "DELETE FROM book WHERE book_id = %s",
                        if (rowUpdated != 1) {
                                throw new IllegalStateException("Error when trying to delete " + book);
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
                } finally {
                        try {
                        } catch (SQLException e) {
                                throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);


        private Book mapRow(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
                return new Book (


With JPA we can achieve the same outcome with much less code. JPA API leverage annotation based entity mapping to make it more easier to map a POJO into database. Let’s decorate our Book entity with some annotation to tell JPA what our database schema looks like.

public class Book {
        @Id  private int bookId;
         private String title;
         private String author;
         private int year;

        public Book() {}

        public Book(int bookId, String title, String author, int year) {
                this.bookId = bookId;
                this.title = title;
                this.author = author;
                this.year = year;

        // Getters and setters omitted for brevity

As you can see, we still have the same Book entity POJO class, and the extra , @Id and annotations is enough to tell JPA what the database schema looks like, and how to persist / retrieve the instance from database. Following is a sample of JPA implementation of BookDAO. Note how in this implementation we don’t have to write any native SQL to retrieve, or save the object, and more importantly, no cumbersome code to map the result set row into an entity object!

         * Simple implementation of BookDAO using JPA. Each method simply starts and closes
         * transaction. Entity object returned by these methods are always detached
         *  gerry
        public class BookJPADAOImpl implements BookDAO {

                private EntityManager em;

                public BookJPADAOImpl (EntityManager entityManager) {
                        this.em = entityManager;

                public Book findById(int bookId) {
                        Book result = em.find(Book.class, bookId);
                        return result;

                public List list() {
                        List result = em.createQuery("SELECT b FROM Book b", Book.class)
                        for (Book b : result) { em.detach(b); }
                        return result;

                public int save(Book book) {
                        return book.getBookId();

                public void update(Book book) {

                public void delete(Book book) {


This is only a very simple example of JPA, but  if you read more, it’s capable of much more such as mapping entity relations, and implementing optimistic locking using row versioning.

You can view or checkout the sample code here: . In the sample code I wrote few unit test classes using HyperSQL in memory database.

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