Tag Archives: zmq.jar

ZeroMQ Windows Java Binding: Building libzmq.dll, jzmq.dll and zmq.jar Using Visual Studio 2012

Versions used in this article:

  • jzmq-3.1.0
  • ZeroMQ-4.0.5 source
  • jdk 1.6.0 (Update 34), Windows 64bit
  • Visual Studio 2012
  • Windows 7 64bit

Build Steps

  1. Download , inflate it to C:\zeromq-4.0.5 (or other folder to your liking). Set your ZEROMQ_HOME environment variable pointing to this folder.
  2. Download , inflate it to %ZEROMQ_HOME%\java
  3. On %ZEROMQ_HOME%, open Visual Studio solution file builds\msvc\msvc10.sln. Switch the active profile to Release, and platform to x64. Perform Build Solution (F7). If successful you should get bin\x64\libzmq.dll
  4. On %ZEROMQ_HOME%\java, open Visual Studio solution file builds\msvc\msvc.sln. Switch the profile into Release
  5. Go to jzmq project property, edit the VC++ Directories. The include path has to correctly reference your jdk path (you can use environment variable like $(JAVA_HOME)). Similarly it also need reference to $(ZEROMQ_HOME)\include and ..\. ..\ is required so reference to config.hpp is not broken. Your Include Directories should end up similar like this:
  6. Edit the Library Directories, and add $(JAVA_HOME)\lib and $(ZEROMQ_HOME)\lib. Your Library Directories should end up similar like this:
  7. Do solution build. If all is successful you should end up with jzmq.dll and zmq.jar on %ZEROMQ_HOME%\java\lib
  8. You can now run the test program as mentioned on ZeroMQ Java Bindings doc:
    C:\>cd %ZEROMQ_HOME%\java\src\main\perf
    C:\zeromq-4.0.5\java\src\main\perf>set PATH=%ZEROMQ_HOME%\bin\x64;%PATH%
    C:\zeromq-4.0.5\java\src\main\perf>java -Djava.library.path=C:\zeromq-4.0.5\java\lib -classpath C:\zeromq-4.0.5\java\lib\zmq.jar;. local_lat tcp:// 1 100

    Source code of these sample codes are available on %ZEROMQ_HOME%\java\src\main\perf in case you’re wondering what they do

See Also

Additional References